This post might seem pretty damn funny coming from a guy who spends his free time writing about beer and various beer related events. But, it’s time to step back for a second.
In these days of twittering (or, tweeting? whatever the hell it’s called…) about every beer we drink, running to hop in line for a limited beer release, and getting in virtual fights on message boards, it can be easy to miss the point of what we’re doing. We’re drinking beer, and sometimes we all (definitely including me) take this a bit too seriously.
I can be as big of a beer geek as there is. But, I also know how to sit back and relax and just grab a pint with friends; without talking about how this particular beer really impressed me/let me down. It’s good to have balance in life, and that includes in your beer drinking. Do yourself a favor, and sometime soon just head out for a beer without thinking about what you’re drinking. Get something enjoyable, by all means. But, head out with some friends and talk about something other than beer. Quit being a geek for a day.
Like I said, this message applies to me as well…especially considering that I just stopped halfway through writing this post to rate the beer I was drinking (Kalamazoo Hopsolution) on
Russ // Mar 6, 2009 at 9:14 am
Everyone should shotgun a PBR now and then! 😉
I’m totally serious too.
JN // Mar 8, 2009 at 11:44 am
Agree wholeheartedly. Wait, where’s my palm pilot?