Yeah! The time is almost here to start enjoying Black Raven beers. There is all kinds of info on their website, but I am most excited to see their updated list of expected beers. Sounds like Beaux and Kat are hoping to start brewing next week! Yeah for good beer on the Eastside!
Here is their new beer info:
Black Raven Beers
Trickster IPA – Yes Mr. hophead, we promised and here it comes. Brewed in the North West style of bold hops and more hops. ABV 6.5%
Second Sight Scotch – Gotta keep those malt heads happy too! Big, bold, and no peat smoked malts in the Scottish brewing tradition. ABV 7.2%
Kristale – Bavarian style kristallweizen (filtered wheat beer) with a slight citrus and spice spin. ABV 4.5%
Morrighan Stout – Irish style dry stout served on nitro, yum.
Yet to be named Pale – IPA’s little brother with Summit hops.
Specialty Beers
Splinters – Second Sight Scotch aged in Kentucky bourbon barrels. Expect release this summer.
Old Birdbrain – Barley wine with 20% aged in Kentucky rye barrels.
More to come later.
Bottle conditioned “Corbeaux” Series
These beers are still being developed and will start to be released in the coming months. Think Belgian influence, barrel aged, herbal, funky fun beers.
Brewer’s Private Stock
Seasonal and test brews that might be brewed once, seasonally, or maybe all the time. That, my friend, is totally up to you!
Batch 1 Brown – First batch that will be brewed in our new brewery. Paint the town brown.
Hefale – Unfiltered version of the Kristale. Think traditional, cloudy Bavarian style wheat beer.
Kedamono // Mar 17, 2009 at 11:37 am
This is good news. So, any news about Greenlake or Greenwood Brewing? I heard about them and that they are setting up in Fremont.
Kaiser // Mar 17, 2009 at 12:45 pm
Kedamono – I’ve heard of “Fremont Brewing”. Their plan is to start brewing by the end of the month and be ready to distribute in April.
Haven’t heard anything about Greenlake/Greenwood Brewing, though (at least that I remember!).