Thanks to Seth for getting into that Twitter thing, and thanks to Paul over at the Pickled Liver for writing all this up
Featured on the The Collins pub’s Twitter status was a previously unannounced mention to Seth Howard’s love of Sour Beers and in recognition of that he is holding a mini festival. Feature below is a transcription of the menu and it looks to be stellar, see ya there!
Sour Thang at The Collins Pub
“We here at Collins Pub have such a love for Sour Beer we decided to showcase some of our fav’s in some mixed sampler’s. Mystery Sampler beers will be revealed after ordering” -source, Menu photographed at The Collins Pub.
Prices $8 for three 4oz. pours
Prices $10 for sampler #4Sampler #1
2005 Oud Beersel Gueze
New Belgium La Folie
Lindemans GuezeSampler #2
Cascade Mouton Route
Water Street Downtown Sour
VichtenaarSampler $3
Cascade Apricot
New Belgium Dark Kriek
Oud Beersel FramboiseSampler #4
Lost Abbey Angels Share
Russian River Consecration
Flemish Primative Wild AleSampler #5
Mystery SamplerFood Pairing Sampler #1
$6 Smoked Salmon Chowder
Food Pairing Sampler #2
$7 Lamb Sliders
Food Pairing Sampler #3
$15 Hunters Sausage Platter
Food Pairing Sampler #4
$10 Gourmet Cheese PlateCheers
The Collins Pub
526 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA? 98104
(206) 623-1016
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