Redhook Copperhook
Alcohol by Volume: 5.8%
Intro: This popular spring seasonal from Redhook is now available year-round in the Western U.S. (Still only a spring seasonal out East). It is brewed in the German Altbier style, but it is a bit stronger than traditional Alts and I would have guessed that it fit into the catch-all Amber category.
Description: Pours a clear copper with medium head and I pick out caramel malt flavors in the aroma, but not much in the way of hops. The taste is dominated by smooth, lighlty sweet caramel malt. A bit of bready malt picks up towards the end, and a light balancing bitterness finishes things off. It’s an easy drinker with a light to medium body that’s perfect for having a few. This spring seasonal is definitely refreshing, and it will pair well with a variety of foods. They sent some smoked salmon along in their PR package, and they went together just fine (not mind-blowing or anything). I’d be pumped to see this somewhere like Safeco Field for a Mariners game, as it would make for a great baseball beer.
Verdict: Worth trying, especially if you’re looking for a cheap sixer for a party or BBQ
Availability: This will now be available year-round in Seattle for about $7.99 to $8.99/six-pack.
Commercial Description/Press Release:
Today is the perfect day to enjoy a cold, crisp pint of Copperhook Ale. This brilliant copper colored ale has distinctive caramel notes and a clean refreshing finish. The light maltiness and pleasant noble hop aroma make it the perfect beer to satisfy all your cravings. Here’s to celebrating today.
Copperhook Ale is ideal with seafood, grilled chicken and salads.
Available year round on the West Coast.
Available January through April on the East Coast.
Style: Copper Ale
ABV: 5.80%
Malts: Pale, Carapils, Caramel
Hops: Willamette, Saaz
Color SRM: 10.7
Bitterness Units: 25.0 IBU
Original Gravity: 13.25*
Brewed Since: 2001
In the interest of full disclosure to satisfy the FTC’s law, this review was of a sample bottle received from the brewery.
Drew Cluley // Feb 8, 2010 at 9:53 am
Hmnnnnn. Style is a Copper Ale.
Haven’t heard of that style. I wonder if you can win a silver or gold medal with a copper ale?
I wonder if metal thieves will target the copper ale to ship overseas to “melt down”.
Sean Finney // Feb 17, 2010 at 2:34 pm
This is one of my choice “session” beers when I am in need of a six or twelve pack in the spring/summer. I’m happy to see RH is taking it year round. This will now move into my “always able to find and don’t mind drinking” buy list. I’ve always thought of this to be a sibling or cousin of the late Chinook Ale (
Other beers that I find similar to Copper Hook that are usually easy to find: Lagunitas Censored Rick Copper Ale, and Deschutes Cinder Cone Red….
HookbrewerKB // Mar 2, 2010 at 12:29 pm
In the traditional sense Cooperhook is an Alt style beer, but as with many styles, the hue can become synonymous with the style as in; Blonde, Amber, Golden, Brown, Black IPA…why not Copper? It’s sometimes difficult to push a beer into a style or category. Cooperhook is crisp like a Golden or Blonde, as its well attenuated, but more like an “Amber” in color and malt’s “Copper”. It pairs well with spicy, flavorful foods like hot wings, TexMex, BBQ.