Deschutes Twilight Summer Ale
Alcohol by Volume: 5.0%
Find this beer (starting in May) and more at Full Throttle Bottles in Georgetown!
Intro: Summer beers are here. These are often marketed with the intention of bringing a six-pack to a BBQ or finishing up a hike with a few beers with friends. Twilight is the type of beer that you can offer to just about anyone without offending them or intimidating them.
Description: Pours a clear dark golden with thin head. Aroma is of floral and grassy hops. Taste is a nicely balanced mix of citrus hops and biscuit malts. Deschutes has really done a good job of packing taste into this 5% ABV beer. It finishes with a solid bitterness that doesn’t detract from the balance. It is light bodied and a little thin, but I don’t see anything wrong with that for a summer sipper that you might want to down a few of. It is not going to blow your mind, but it is a very solid beer for such a low alcohol level.
Verdict: Buy it
Availability: Available May to September in six-packs
Brewery Website
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Commercial Description/Press Release:
The top’s down. The burgers are grilling. The shadows are long. The days stretch late into the evening. Summer has its own rules. And, at Deschutes, its own beer.
We brew Twilight Ale to be a lighter, but full-flavored ale with a balanced malt profile and a harmonious blend of four hops. Then a final heady dose of bold Amarillos creates a distinctive finish.
We took Twilight as a challenge. The chance to prove that light doesn’t mean boring. Some beers go perfectly with foods, this one pairs with lawn chairs, bare feet and life kicked-back. Best enjoyed chilled and served outside.
In the interest of full disclosure to satisfy the FTC’s law, this review was of a sample bottle received from the brewery.
John C // Apr 28, 2010 at 10:04 am
(1) Do you think there’s any chance Deschutes will make this spring’s Red Chair NWPA a year-round beer? It was my favorite new 12-oz beer in a long time, and would make a really solid addition to their lineup.
(2) Despite what the brewery says the availability is, Twilight’s already available all over Ballard (Safeway, Ballard Market, etc).
Kaiser // Apr 28, 2010 at 12:38 pm
John – I hope so, but I’m not sure. I love the Red Chair. I thought I remembered seeing a discussion of it becoming year-round, but I might just be confusing the discussion around it replacing the Cinder Cone.
Pat // Apr 29, 2010 at 12:19 pm
good review, i agree, great beer, beats alaskan summer, and at 5.99 a sixer at safeway there really is no decision to make