7 Seas Brewing recently became the first Washington craft brewery to can their beer (in 16oz cans). Shortly after that milestone, Pyramid Breweries (HQ in Seattle, brewing operations in OR and CA) announced they would be putting their Haywire Hefeweizen in 16oz cans for a limited summer release. Next up is Fremont Brewing, who has intended to can their beer since opening in June 2009.
Fremont recently purchased a used canning line that will allow them to can 20 cases per hour, once they are able to purchase the minimum order of 85,000 cans. According to a post on their blog yesterday, “Soon you’ll see us in grocery stores – and elsewhere…”. Once they do, Fremont claims that theirs will be the first organic craft beer available in cans.
Fremont is very serious about sustainability and low impact brewing, and this is another step in the right direction for them.
More about their commitment to sustainability:
Here at the Fremont Brewing Company, we are serious about our commitment to sustainability. What does that mean? For us, it means living in our world as if we mean to stay here, and give the next generation the same opportunities to enjoy the natural bounty as we did (or better). For the brewery, it means conserving every ounce of water, every kilowatt of energy and reducing our carbon footprint as much as we can afford to. Real time, this means investing in equipment, materials and processes that pay back in retained heat, water and energy. Where we can’t afford to invest in the latest and greatest technology, we will work with our local, state and national politicians to put in place programs to allow small businesses to have the same tax breaks and capital investment programs as the large companies. Someday, we will all pay the real price of water, electricity and natural gas. When that day comes, Fremont Brewing aspires to be on the forefront of breweries who have invested in these technologies and paid off our capital investment. That’s just good business.
Want specifics? See “Walkin’ the Talk” and “Community.”
TJ // Apr 30, 2010 at 1:29 pm
That will be interesting…I look forward to trying Pyramid’s hefe in a can. But Fremont Brewing tends towards super-hoppy beer, so until they expand their choices, I’ll have to take a pass.
Tim Nichols // Apr 30, 2010 at 2:57 pm
Nice to see Wash. breweries canning! With the minimum #of cans continuing to drop, it makes it easier for the little guys to get on board!
patrick // Apr 30, 2010 at 4:46 pm
why canning over bottling with reusable bottles? i don’t understand the benefit except in terms of shipping weight. anyone care to explain?
ag // Apr 30, 2010 at 5:34 pm
I wish someone would create little 16 oz oak barrels in six packs for sours.
Russ Phillips // Apr 30, 2010 at 7:10 pm
I will have to agree with “ag” and second the wish that someone would create little oak barrels for sours! I’d even settle for a can that looks like a barrel with a delicious oak-aged beer inside. Seriously though, canned beer is great beer.
Fremont CA Houses – blogging about the deals | Fremont CA Houses // May 1, 2010 at 10:27 am
[…] The Washington Craft Beer Canning Craze Continues with Fremont Brewing […]
Sara Nelson // May 2, 2010 at 1:49 pm
@patrick: Sara here, from Fremont Brewing. We decided to can instead of bottle for many reasons, the top 3 are: cans have far more recycled material than amber bottles (about 80% vs. up to 5%); Because they weigh less and stack more efficiently, their transport produces less emissions; and because cans don’t let in light and they have less air at the top than bottles, the beer stays fresher longer. See our sustainability webpage for a more detailed explanation on our decision to can and thanks for your interest!