Just out of curiosity, I’m wondering how many Seattle Beer Week events the readers of this blog attended. I have a few beer-loving friends that hit 20+ events, and I have a few that I don’t think had the time to hit any at all. How many did you finish with? Feel free to leave a comment with your exact number if you’d like. I’m not sure whether the person with the most events attended should get a prize, or a mandatory time-out from drinking for a week or two.
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Drew Cluley // May 24, 2010 at 8:04 am
First vote in: Made it to 16 – guess I could have voted 1 place higher the the 11-15 category I voted in. This week if you see me you will NOT find me drinking a beer . . Well maybe at the Sounders Game on Wed. 🙂 Drew
Devlin // May 24, 2010 at 9:08 am
I hit 27 events and I hit a lot of them hard. The Seattle Beer Collective and all the places that hosted events did a great job. There were a lot of memorable moments for me…I should probably get to writing about them.
Like Drew, you’re not gonna see me drinking a beer this week. Okay, maybe I’ll have one with dinner at home, but I’m not setting foot in a brewpub or bar until after Memorial Day.
+Russ // May 24, 2010 at 10:26 am
I hit 17 events and skipped the closing party… but I still caved and had some beer yesterday cuz we were out of vodka 😉
urban beer hiker // May 24, 2010 at 1:12 pm
I also hit 17. Two days in a row off in the middle made for a complete and total recharging, but I missed a few good events.
I thought I’d be burned out, but I’m not. I’m actually a little bummed out that it’s over. What a blast.
I’m going to get a beer before work right now.
Frank Belson // May 24, 2010 at 4:12 pm
I only made it down to 1 event, closing ceremonies, but I celebrated Bellingham Beer Week daily. Oh, wait, that’s every week. 🙂
5 Things Learned During Seattle Beer Week 2010 // May 25, 2010 at 8:36 am
[…] met quite a few people out just to have a good time and check out the scene. The majority of people voting in my poll reported that they attended from 1 – 5 events (58 out of 91 votes), and a minority attended […]