Maritime Jolly Roger Christmas Ale Back in Stores

November 9th, 2010 · 4 Comments · Beer Releases, Washington Breweries

Thanks to Flapjacksrule on Flickr

Maritime Pacific Brewing Company’s Jolly Roger Christmas Ale is once again back on your favorite retailers’ shelves. This may be old news to some of you, as it was available in the taproom back on October 29. This is such a popular seasonal that I wouldn’t want anyone to miss out on it. It sounds like more bottles will be available than last year, but it will still go quickly. Get it while you can. If you aren’t familiar with Jolly Roger Christmas Ale, it’s a malt-dominated “winter warmer” weighing in around 9% ABV that is a steal at about $8.99/six-pack. More than a few local drinkers call it their favorite winter seasonal. Here is the full story from Maritime’s blog:

Oh… Jolly, Jolly Jolly… How we love you and loath you. (Most people love it but those of us trying to make it and make ENOUGH of it sometimes take a different view, but we mostly love it too.)

So the 2010 Jolly Roger Christmas Ale is in the stores now and production is in full swing.  Most of you might remember we got off to a rocky start last year what with the move to the new brewery and all.  Rumors were flying around about why we were so late in getting it out, and there were some real winners.  It’s amazing what your local grocery store beer manager tells you he heard “from someone” about why your beer isn’t out yet.  The honest truth is we didn’t brew it until the day after Thanksgiving.  It was the very FIRST BEER BREWED on the new system (like, as in, no test brews or anything) and you know what?  You drank it and we got good feedback about it.  I kept telling people that the label says “Christmas Ale” on it, so that was our deadline.  If we got it out by Christmas we were good.  And we did.  Besides, it gets a little ridiculous when the “Winter” beers start rolling out in the middle of September.  Summer’s hardly gone and we need to hold on to those memories as long as we can. 

We have already bottled 2300 cases of Jolly so far this year.  Last year we only got off 1600, which was WAY below normal.  The goal was 2000 before Halloween and we met that and then some.  The guys are down in the bottling room as I write this knocking out another 200 today, 300 tomorrow, and 900 next week!

Jolly kegs should start rolling out to bars and restaurants around town the week of November 15th (IF everything goes according to plan.  I can never promise anything these days…)

Hope you all like this years offering.


4 Comments so far ↓

  • +Russ

    I’d like to hear everyone’s take on this year’s Jolly Roger. I’m praying I just happened to get a bad batch. It’s way too sweet and there’s a weird malt finish going on….. =\

  • Colin

    I had a couple on Saturday night and they tasted fine to me.

  • Jesse

    And on sale for $7.99 @ Fred Meyer. Having one right now.

  • Eric

    I agree with Russ that something seems off with this year’s batch.

    I snagged an 09 out of the cellar and it was great. Then I cracked one of this year’s and it’s, well, not very good. And this is coming from a huge Jolly Roger fan. I realize that things change from year to year, but this seems drastic. I feel bad I sent one out in a trade before trying it. I would’ve sent an 09.

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