Don’t miss this year’s installment of the Phinney Neighborhood Associations’ Winter Beer Taste, which is titled “Beer Trek 2010”. The event will take place on this upcoming Saturday, November 13, from 7-10 pm at the Phinney Neighborhood Center, 6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, WA. This is a fundraising event for the PNA.
Twenty-eight Northwest microbreweries will offer samples of their new winter ales and other favorite beers. Tickets cost $25 for PNA members, $30 for the general public and $10 for designated drivers. Admission includes a selection of ten tastes of microbrews, music by the Shed Boys, pub snacks and a silent auction of unique and not so unique beer paraphernalia. Tickets can be purchased online at or at the Phinney Neighborhood Center.
Following is a full list of beers. You can also visit the PNA website for more information.
Anacortes Vienna & Darkside IPA
Baron Three Skulls Winter Poison
Bayern Doppelbock & Dragon’s Breath Dark Heff
Big Al Tangerine Dream & Winter Warmer
Boundary Bay Cabin Fever
Chuckanut Chuckanut Pilsner
Deschutes Jubelale & Green Lakes Organic Amber Ale
Diamond Knot Industrial Ho! Ho!
Elysian Bi-Frost
Epic Terra-Saurus
Fish Winterfish, Leavenworth Boulder Bend Dunkelweizen & Spire Mountain Dark & Dry Apple Cider
Fremont Universale Pale Ale & Bourbon Abominable Winter Ale (aka BBomb)
Georgetown Tomtoberfest & Cask Porter
Golden Hills Clem’s Gold & Ben’s Brown
Hale’s Supergoose IPA & Wee Heavy
Harmon Big Woodrow & Oak-aged Pt Defiance IPA
Populuxe”Smoke Means Progress!” Smoked Porter
Reuben’s BrewsReuben’s Roasted Rye PA
Maritime Pacific Rum-aged Jolly Roger & Triple Dry Hopped Islander Pale Ale
Naked City Broken Bicycle Fresh Hop Saison & The Big Lebrewski
Ninkasi Total Domination IPA & Oatis Oatmeal Stout
Odin Odin’s Gift & Smoky Bacon Ale
Pike Pike Auld Acquaintance
Port Townsend Hop Diggidy
Schooner Exact Hoppy Holidays & Puget Soundian Dark Ale
Scuttlebutt Mateo Loco
Sierra Nevada Brewers Reserve Gran Cru & Celebration Fresh Hop Ale
Silver City Imperial Stout, Fat Scotch Ale
Two Beers Jive Espresso Stout
peter // Nov 15, 2010 at 7:57 am
Huzzah! My fake brewery name…in print! It was a great event – Rubens RyePA was really tasty, and it was great to try some beers that I wouldn’t normally get on tap. Epics Bierre de Gourd, Sierra Nevadas Brewers Reserve and Big Lebrewski were standouts for me. It was a great event and fun to be a part of, which is not something I usually say regarding non-profit fundraisers…