Grab A Beer: 21st Amendment Fireside Chat

December 15th, 2010 · 2 Comments · Beer Reviews, California Beer

21st Amendment Fireside Chat
Alcohol by Volume: 7.9%
Find this beer and more at Full Throttle Bottles in Georgetown.

Intro: 21st Amendment Brewery, located in San Francisco, CA, has been around since 2000. But, it was just a year or two ago that we started seeing their beer shipped to the Seattle markets in 12oz cans and on draft. The Fireside Chat is their “Winter Spiced Ale”, and it is a nice twist on your typical NW seasonal winter brew.

Description: Pours a dark cherry brown with medium head that doesn’t stick around too long. The aroma is all sweet malts: dark fruit and brown sugar stick out the most. The initial taste reminds me of a Belgian-style dubbel, but without the spicy yeast characteristic. Chocolate and figs dominate the flavors. The spicing is pretty light and blends well. It’s medium-bodied and very drinkable with just the slightest warming from the alcohol. The aroma made me think it would be too sweet, but it is actually balanced very well. This is a solid winter seasonal that’s definitely worth a try.

Verdict: Worth Trying
Availability: Six-pack cans and on draft locally

Brewery Website
Ratebeer Info
BeerAdvocate Info

Commercial Description/Press Release:

Like FDR’s Depression-era radio addresses, which were like a kick in the butt and a hug at the same time, our Fireside Chat is a subtle twist on the traditional seasonal brew. We begin with a rich, dark, English-style ale and then we improvise with spices until we know we have a beer worth sharing with the nation.

Fireside Chat is our early winter seasonal brew available from October through December in six pack cans and on draft. Brewed like a classic, warming Strong Ale but with a subtle blend of hand-selected spices for just the right festive flair.

In the interest of full disclosure to satisfy the FTC’s law, this review was of a sample bottle received from the brewery.


2 Comments so far ↓

  • Mr. Howard

    My fav holiday beer this year! Well actually celebration was my fav it’s ALWAYS my fav!!
    Chat pairs so well with food, drinks easy and has a tartness in the finish is a nice change from the usual malt on malt on malt of typical winter beers.

  • Myke J

    This is also currently on tap at The Collins Pub in downtown Seattle.

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