Safeco Beer Vendor to Take Orders Via Twitter Starting at Friday’s Home Opener

April 4th, 2011 · 4 Comments · General Beer News

Photo thanks to Jeff Wilcox on Flickr

If you’re headed to the Mariners home opener this Friday and are in need of a beer, you don’t even have to turn your head to look for a vendor, let alone get out of your seat, if you don’t want to. According to CNBC, vendor Kevin Zelko will be accepting orders via his Twitter account, @Msbeervendor. Send him your seat and order, and he’ll arrive as soon as he can. From CNBC:

Zelko says he hopes taking his vending to Twitter will take some of the guesswork out of his game by making his routes more direct. Not only will an ordered beer likely mean a better tip, but he also says that fans with smartphones, who are on Twitter during the game, are more likely to have more wealth and therefore have more money to spend.

While this is a nice idea and could potentially get a beer in your hand quicker, it will be interesting to see how effective it is. If he gets a lot of requests and is taking too long, chances are another vendor is going to wander by and customers will buy from them. Also, you are still obviously limited to the selection that the vendor carries, which usually isn’t very exciting. I hope it works out for him, but I’ll continue to get a little exercise during the game and hope to find some Fremont Solstice (it was poured almost all year in 2010!) or get something from one of the other great taps available. Now, if I could get someone to bring me draft beer…that would be something I might pay extra for.


4 Comments so far ↓

  • Devlin

    I love Solstice so I’ll probably end up having a few at the game, but it’s gonna hurt paying $9 for a pint.

  • Dean Ruffner

    Hope the M’s are still carrying Black Butte over in Section 126.

  • jim

    its really not that hard (and well worth it) to smuggle your own beer into Safeco. Since we’re already getting raped on the ridiculously high ticket prices for one of the worst teams in baseball, i’ll be damned if I’m going to give Armstrong and Lincon a fortune for their way overpriced beer…

  • Mustache Pint Glass

    Its $14 a pint down here in southern California, prices are just getting to large for a suttle beer.

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