Cheers to West Seattle’s Beer Junction for their first year of business! Join them the rest of this week for three special tastings.
Hard to believe, but we just passed the one year mark on Sunday July 3rd! Thanks to all of you for supporting us this past year.
In celebration, we’ll be having three tasting events this week!
Thursday (5-8PM): We’ll be sampling a selection of five of our best selling beers of all time. The tasting lineup: Maui Coconut Porter, Oscar Blues Dales Pale Ale, Duchesse De Bourgogne Flemish red ale, Firestone Walker Double Jack Double IPA, and for desert Southern Tier’s Choklat Imperial Stout paired with vanilla ice cream from Husky Deli!
Friday (5-7PM): 21st Amendment returns! We’ll be sampling their new Hop Crisis Imperial IPA (which is almost too easy to drink at 9.7% ABV), Brew Free or Die IPA, Back in Black IPA, Watermelon Wheat, and another one of our best selling beers, the Belgian-style Monk’s Blood!
Saturday (5-7PM): Ninkasi Brewing will be here with all their new seasonals! We’ll be tasting our #4 selling beer of all-time (in $$$ sales), Maiden The Shade IPA! In addition we’ll be trying the new Nuptiale Cream Ale, Summer Radiant Pale Ale, Total Domination IPA, and Oatis Oatmeal Stout!
Each event is $4.
Friday is also the start of the West Seattle Summer Fest Street Fair!
They have also put together a couple lists of their top 10 best sellers in the first year by volume and $:
With a full year under our belts, we’d thought it’d be interesting to take a look back on what sold the best in our first year. You’ll get to enjoy several of these beers during our three tastings events this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday!
Top 10 Beers (in $$$):
(1) Maui Coconut Porter, (2) Russian River Pliny The Elder, (3) Southern Tier Choklat Imperial Stout, (4) Ninkasi Maiden The Shade, (5) Firestone 14, (6) Midnight Sun TREAT Imperial Porter, (7) Iron Horse Quilters Irish Death, (8) Schooner Exact 3-Grid IPA, (9) Dogfish Head World Wide Stout, and (10) 21st Amendment Monk’s Blood
Top 10 Beers in (in Quantity):
(1) Maui Coconut Porter, (2) Russian River Pliny The Elder, (3) 21st Amendment Monk’s Blood, (4) Anderson Valley Summer Solstice, (5) 21st Amendment Brew Free or Die IPA, (6) Oskar Blues Dales Pale Ale, (7) Maui Bikini Blond, (8) Lagunitas Little Sumpin Sumpin, (9) 21st Amendment Watermelon Wheat, (10) Caldera IPA
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