With the Elysian Great Pumpkin Beer Festival taking place this weekend down at Elysian’s new production facility in Georgetown, pumpkin beer season is in full swing. Stop on by Full Throttle Bottles this evening to get a preview of some of the beers that will be pouring at the festival.
More info from Erika at Full Throttle Bottles:
Georgetown, WA – You know how the saying goes: If you build it, they will come. Well guess what? Elysian built a special production facility just down the road, JUST to host their Great Pumpkin Festival!! OK, well, maybe it was to make more beer, but the benefit is, YES, Elysian’s Great Pumpkin Festival will be held down the street at the new production brewery! And to celebrate the inaugural event, we’re going to host a sneak peek of some pumpkin beers you can expect to find at the festival! (Ticket info below) There are some fan favorites, some classic pumpkin beers, and a new kid on the block! So come on down, and get your taste buds talking about what to expect next weekend! We’ll be tasting the following pumpkin beers, and maybe a rare and special beer from the depths of our cellar!
Elysian Night Owl: This medium-bodied pumpkin ale is supremely drinkable and brewed with seven and a half pounds of pumpkin per barrel. Spices like ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove and allspice and a light bitterness from Magnum hops add to the overall flavor profile. Both roasted and raw pumpkin seeds are in the mash, with pumpkin added to the mash, kettle and fermenter. Can you ever get too much of a good thing? Elysian thinks not! 5.9% ABV
Southern Tier Pumking: Pumking is Southern Tier’s ode to Puca, a creature of Celtic folklore, who is both feared and respected by those who believe in it. Puca is said to waylay travelers throughout the night, tossing them on its back and providing them the ride of their lives, from which they return forever changed! Brewed in the spirit of All Hallows Eve, a time when spirits can make contact with the physical world. This spicy, deep copper beer is brewed with a pagan spirit yet should be enjoyed responsibly. 8.6% ABV
Dogfish Head Punkin: A full-bodied brown ale with smooth hints of pumpkin and brown sugar, this beer is brewed with pumpkin meat, organic brown sugar, and spices and is named after a locally-famous event in southern Delaware, Punkin Chuckin (you gotta see it to believe it!). This is the perfect beer to warm up with as the season cools. 7.0% ABV
Howe Sound Pumpkineater Imperial Pumpkin Ale: A high gravity pumpkin ale brewed with barley, fresh roasted pumpkin, hops, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, star anise, water and yeast, it is one of the seasonal favorites. This beer is produced in very limited quantities each fall as part of the John Mitchell series. 8% ABV
Schooner Exact Gutter Punk’n: Gutter Punk’n is a medium bodied American Brown Ale brewed with pumpkin and spices. Pumpkin is added during the mash, boil and primary fermentation, yes, all three! In-house toasted pumpkin seeds are also added to the mash to lend a slight toasty flavor. Gutter Punk’n is lightly spiced to give flavors of fall yet finishes clean and dry to make for a refreshing seasonal brew. 5% ABV
We will be tasting these on Wednesday, October 5th, 2011 from 5-7pm. Only $3 or bring your own non-disposable glass to be GREEN and save $1!
Thanks, Erika & Crew
PS – This is your last chance to buy tickets at Full Throttle Bottles for Elysian’s Great Pumpkin Fest! Choose tickets for either Saturday October 8 or Sunday October 9th. This is the first time Elysian has pre-sold tickets, and they will ONLY be available at Elysian locations or here at Full Throttle Bottles. And this WILL sell out so don’t wait!!!
PPS-Sidewalk construction is complete, so now you can park on either Doris OR Nebraska and have easy access! Check out the new ramps and curb bump outs…three weeks to completion and I can’t WAIT!!!
And here’s the requisite fine print for the tastings: Due to licensing laws in the state of Washington, we are limited to serving no more than 2oz per varietal/flavor and no more than a grand total of 8oz. You must be over the age of 21 to imbibe. (And I don’t mean dog years…)
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