This has to be one of the more unique and interesting beer-related events I’ve come across in Seattle. Hilliard’s Beer, the new brewery in Ballard, is teaming up with Skillet for an event called The Butcher’s Benefit on Sunday, November 20th.
In cooperation with our friends at Skillet, we’re proud to announce a special event here at our brewery on the 20th of November. The Butcher’s Benefit will feature a whole hog raised on the spent grains from local breweries including Hilliard’s, half of which will be dinner, the other half will be used for a butchery demonstration by Brandon Sheard of Farmstead Meatsmith. Dinner will be paired with our beers, and there will be a screening of On the Anatomy of Thrift, an instruction butchery video from farmrun.
Tickets available through brownpapertickets.
The price is $75, but keep in mind this isn’t your typical beer dinner.
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