One of the highlights of the 2012 National Homebrewers Conference is sure to be Thursday night’s Pro Brewers Night. This was essentially a private beer festival for attendees of the conference featuring almost 50 breweries pouring beers, most of which were local NW breweries. There was a lot of great beer and I spoke with several homebrewers that were really enjoying the conference and everything the area has to offer. Chuckanut and Black Raven were the two longest lines, but I really enjoyed trying beers from Bainbridge Brewing (first time pouring anywhere), Icicle Brewing and Kulshan Brewing.
It’s really fantastic to experience first-hand the community of homebrewers that gathers for this conference. Combined with the professional brewers, last night was just a room full of extremely happy, friendly people enjoying great beer. Doesn’t get much better.
Check out my Flickr account for the full photo set.
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