Announcing the Washington Beer Awards

February 6th, 2013 · No Comments · Uncategorized

WA Beer AwardsI love Washington beer. With so many great breweries around, and more opening every year, it is hard to keep track of how much outstanding beer there is here. Enter the Washington Beer Awards. This event will focus on allowing Washington breweries to compete in a blind tasting competition with the goal of raising awareness of Wahington craft beer locally and on the national level.

Details from organizer Mark Emiley:

We are proud to announce the Washington Beer Awards, a craft beer competition designed specifically to support Washington’s professional brewers. This Washington-only competition is intended to provide an opportunity for all of Washington’s craft brewers to compete in a blind judging format. It will allow recognition of brewing excellence in Washington and provide constructive feedback supporting future competition entry decisions. By providing an unbiased and affordable competition for Washington brewers, we can allow all brewers to compete and raise awareness of Washington craft beer both within the state and on the national level.

This competition will provide a venue for Washington brewers to compete locally and receive high caliber of judging. It will be open strictly to Washington brewers and leverage trained judges with a focus on providing feedback tailored for the commercial community. Judging will be conducted using the nationally recognized Brewers Association style guidelines.

The competition will be held in May 2013 with medals will be provided to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners and special awards will be provided to breweries with many winning beers. Winners will be announced and medals will be awarded at a ceremony in June.

The competition will be run by the longest running organizers of the largest beer competitions in the Northwest. With Master Judge certifications, the organizers will bring the best of Washington’s judging community to celebrate the best of Washington’s beers.

Breweries will be able to begin the registration process in mid February. You can find more details about the competition at

Get ready to recognize the best of Washington’s excellent craft beers!


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