Welcome to random picture month! April is going to be dedicated to posting random pictures of people and places in the beer industry.
If you haven’t figured it out, I’ve been travelling for the past few weeks. The wife and I just returned from an unforgettable trip to Peru. There are very few craft breweries in Peru (maybe 3?), so beer surely was not a focus on this trip. Light lagers dominate the beer market, but I was lucky to find bottles from Sierra Andina Brewing, located in Huarez, Peru, at a shop in Lima. The pale ale was a very solid, hoppy American-style pale. The dose of hops was very welcome after a couple of weeks without drinking anything approaching hoppy.
I know this is a beer website, but as I love traveling I’ll be sharing some pics and trip reports from Peru here sometime soon. To say it was an amazing trip is an understatement.
And, a huge thanks to +Russ for taking over with some posts over the past couple of weeks in my absence.
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