Grab A Beer: Fremont Seattle Beer Week Organic Pale Ale

May 8th, 2013 · 5 Comments · Beer Reviews, Washington Breweries

Fremont Seattle Beer Week Organic Pale Ale
Alcohol by Volume: 4.5%
Look for this beer and more at Full Throttle Bottles in Georgetown.


Pic from Fremont Brewing.

Pic from Fremont Brewing.

One of the highlights of Seattle Beer Week (SBW) is that each year a different brewery is chosen to craft an official beer for the event. In previous years the SBW brews have included Pike Double IPA, Hale’s Double IPA, Maritime Decompression Ale, and Elysian Split Shot Espresso Milk Stout. This low ABV session pale ale is a chance in direction from the other SBW beers that came before it, but I’m quite happy with what they have chosen. Whereas high ABV imperial IPAs haven gotten much of the attention in the past few years, hoppy session beers are gaining popularity. Finding something with good hop flavor that you can have few of without getting drunk has been a challenge in the past, but beers like this are changing that.

Pours a clear dark golden with with a big white head that sticks on top of the glass for quite a while. Strong citrus hops and light grainy malt pop out in the aroma. The hops are right up front in the aroma and let you know what this beer is all about. The flavor is focused on a mix of citrus and spicy hop flavors, and a good amount of bready/grainy malt flavor contributes as well. A moderate bitterness balances well without being too intense. There is minimal sweetness, the texture is a bit creamy, and the light-medium body is perfect for a refreshing, low ABV pale ale.

I love this beer. It is a well-balanced session pale that lets the hop flavors shine without completely forgetting about the malt. Without question, if this were available year-round in six-packs it would find its way into my fridge often.

This beer may not be crazy enough for some beer geeks to think it is anything special. It is not barrel-aged, imperial, or dark and sweet. It’s just a damn good, hoppy beer that I could drink a shit ton of.

Verdict: Buy the hell out of it while you can.
Click here to see a list of select local bottle shops.
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5 Comments so far ↓

  • Kim

    I’m with you. I love the trend to low-ABV hoppy beers. Can’t wait to try this one.

  • Jason

    Agreed! I am loving the growing selection of great session beers.

  • jp

    Been loving this one too. Citra/Simcoe combo is perfection in the aroma department. And the grain bill’s perfect–light without being LITE. Easy-drinking, warm-weather greatness. Think I’ve bought about five or six sixers since it showed up on the shelves–it’s becoming my “session” and yes, they should make this all year. Cool can design to boot.

  • Marti Gwaltney

    I enjoyed a pint of the SBW Pale Ale while sitting outside at the Pioneer Square Saloon-waiting for the ferry. Wonderful flavor. Would definitely order it again.

  • chris

    It tastes like some of the 6+ abv pale ales I enjoy until the hangover the following morning.

    Seems they should skip the “organic” part in the name or somehow manage to get that little green USDA organic label. I guess maybe the hops from Yakima are certified organic?

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