Mac & Jack’s News: New IPA Released & Select 22oz Bottles Now Available

July 22nd, 2014 · 1 Comment · Beer Releases, Washington Breweries

Mac-&-Jack's-IBIS_0613_2x3One of the most common things you might hear at bars across Seattle is, “I’ll have a Mac & Jack’s.” That blanket statement refers to the insanely popular African Amber from Mac & Jack’s Brewery in Redmond. That beer is one of the most popular craft beers in Seattle and can be found on tap all over the city. It is often one of the first local beers that visitors sample.

While African Amber makes up the large majority of the brewery’s distribution, they do have a lineup of other styles, including Blackcat Porter, Serengeti Wheat and Two Tun IPA. The thing is, they can be hard to come by. The most reliable spots to find them are at the brewery and at the African Lounge in the A Concourse at Seatac Airport.

Mac & Jack’s also occasionally brews some special release beers, often for festivals or special events. The latest is their Ibis IPA, which is a 6.9% ABV IPA with 65 IBUs. It is brewed with Amarillo & Mosaic hops, which happen to be two of my favorites. They were only able to get a certain amount of Mosaics for the brew, so distribution will be “somewhat limited.” For almost a year, they’ve been dialing in the recipe for Ibis by trialing different versions at their retail store and festivals. The name, Ibis, which is an African bird, fits with the African theme of the rest of their lineup. They are trying to get the IPA out to as many customers as possible, but your best bet to find the IPA right now would be at Red Door, Sully’s Snowgoose Saloon or Hilltop Ale House.

In other news, Mac & Jack’s recently purchased a small 22oz bottling machine and will be bottling occasional special release beers. First up is their Bourbon Barrel-Aged  Cascadian Dark Ale, which was aged in bourbon barrels for over 10 months. It is currently available at their retail store at the brewery in Redmond for $15/bottle with a limit of four per person per day.


One Comment so far ↓

  • Justin Baird

    and we at The Merchant’s Café and Saloon (109 Yesler Way) have it on tap now. The newest Mac & Jack beer at the oldest bar in town! 🙂

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