Entries Tagged as 'Oregon Brewers Festival'

Thoughts from the Oregon Brewers Festival Weekend

July 28th, 2009 · 4 Comments · Oregon Breweries

This was now my 4th year in a row heading down to the OBF, and this visit was just as enjoyable as the previous years. This is one of the most well-run festivals that I attend each year. They’ve been doing this for 22 years, and it shows. The lines to get in aren’t bad and move […]


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Catch the Buzz at This Year’s Oregon Brewers Festival

July 18th, 2009 · 4 Comments · Events

In addition to a beer lineup that has plenty of interesting offerings, this year’s Oregon Brewers Festival will also have a “buzz tent” on Friday and Saturday afternoons that will be pouring some rarities and special creations. Here are all of the details: What’s the Buzz? Find out at the Buzz Tent! Each July, brewers […]


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